Monday, January 23, 2012

Tonight's Weigh-In! Success Or Not?!?!?

      Tonight was my big night, weigh-in night!!  Did I finally see the fruits of my hard work the past 2 weeks on the scale?!?! Or was I once again devastated??  Well the answer is, the scale FINALLY cooperated with me!!! I lost 7 lbs. this week!!! I was confident going in tonight that I had lost, because according to my scale I had lost. I just was not sure how much because I had not compared my home scale to the WW scale. I was thinking I had lost 3 lbs. so when she told me 7 lbs. I said "Really??" What a good feeling to see the numbers move in agreement to my hard work and perseverance!! It has given me the boost to STAY on track!!! I want all of you to know that I will NOT expect such a large loss each week. I know this loss is not typical. I will be happy with any loss from this day forward! I will stick to the program no matter what the scale says. I will NOT quit this time!   There was a motto spoken tonight in the meeting that I will be hanging onto. 
 That motto is: "It's CHOICE NOT chance that determines your success!!!" 

I am CHOOSING to change the way I eat.
I am CHOOSING to eat mindfully and not thoughtlessly.
I am CHOOSING to stay on the road toward good health.
I am CHOOSING to be vulnerable and say, " I need help. I cannot do this alone!"
I am CHOOSING to allow myself success.
I am CHOOSING to hold myself accountable for my choices.
I am making CHOICES that will help me succeed!! 

     Again I say Thank You to everyone who has checked in with me today and tonight to see how I made out!! You are all helping me to realize that I DO matter. I have spent too many years telling myself I do not matter. I am not important. I will always be fat. I am TURNING those A.N.T's OFF!!  Time to speak positive things to myself!!

     I WILL succeed!! It will not be a fast journey. It will not always be a happy journey. It will likely be quite a messy journey. But it is MY journey that WILL continue for the rest of my life. A life I plan to direct toward health, self worth, confidence and strong faith. Thank you for taking this journey with me!!!

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